Quantum Physics, What is it All About?

Quantum physics is often mentioned even in the everyday discussions. On Google there are 358 million entries under the keyword quantum. Information you will get on these sites is often unclear and contradictory. How to find the right way through all that? Most of the textbooks for physicists are very formal, which means that they use a lot of mathematics and it is difficult to follow them. Nevertheless, in the last decades, books have appeared which try to speak about quantum phenomena in a more accessible way. Some of the lecturers of this Summer School are the authors of such books.

The aim of this Summer School is to address principally the following two questions:

1. How should an introductory course in Quantum Physics be articulated? How to present Quantum Physics to the general public?

2. What are the open conceptual questions of Quantum Physics? Could we be satisfied with its interpretation?

The lecturers on this Summer School do not have identical opinions on these problems and this is its main quality. The position of the organizers is that the best solutions to a problem is to be found by confronting different opinions, and not by mutual approval of the participants. We will not resolve the problems of Quantum Physics, but there will surely be original propositions and discussions.

Kvantna fizika, o čemu se tu zapravo radi?

Kvantna fizika se često spominje čak i u svakodnevnom govoru. Na Googleu pod pojmom quantum pojavljuje se 358 milijuna rezultata pretrage. Informacije koje ćete dobiti na tim siteovima su uglavnom nemušte i često kontradiktorne. Kako se snaći u svemu tome? Udžbenici za fizičare su najčešće vrlo formalni, što znači da u njima ima puno matematike i vrlo ih je teško pratiti. Posljednjih decenija pojavile su se knjige koje pokušavaju na pristupačniji način govoriti o kvantnim fenomenima. Neki od predavača na ovoj ljetnoj školi su upravo autori takvih knjiga. Na predavanjima ove ljetne škole posvetit ćemo se uglavnom dvama pitanjima:

1. Kako predavati uvodni kurs iz kvantne fizike ili kako predstaviti kvantnu fiziku općoj publici?

2. Koja su otvorena konceptualna pitanja vezana za kvantnu fiziku, odnosno, da li možemo biti zadovoljni sa njezinom interpretacijom?

Predavači na ovoj ljetnoj školi nemaju identična stajališta vezano za ova pitanja i to je njezina glavna odlika. Ideja organizatora je da se do najboljih rješenja dolazi suprostavljanjem mišljenja, a ne međusobnim povlađivanjem učesnika. Sigurno nećemo riješiti probleme kvantne fizike, ali će svakako biti originalnih prijedloga i diskusija.

Scientific Committee:

  • Franjo Sokolić (University of Split)
  • Dragan Poljak (University of Split )
  • Dubravko Klabučar (University of Zagreb)
  • Vishnya Maudlin (New York University)

Organizing Committee: Mate Jagnjić, Karlo Lelas, Martina Požar and Nikolina Vučković

8th Meeting on Physics and Philosophy


2 – 4 September 2020

 Wednesday, 2 September 2020
18:00 – 19:15 Registration and reception
19:27 – 19:45 Opening ceremonies
19:45 – 20:45 Tim W. E. Maudlin What is a Physical Theory and How Does it Have Empirical Consequences?
20:45 – 21:45 Dubravko Klabučar How Much to Say About Photons in the First Course on Quantum Physics?
21:45 – 22:00 Refreshment Break
22:00 – 23:00 Vishnya Maudlin Teaching the Unteachable
23:00 – 00:00 Mate Jagnjić EPR & Bell’s Inequality
 Thursday, 3 September 2020
19:25 – 19:45 Review and Introduction
19:45 – 20:45 Tim W. E. Maudlin Taking Collapse Seriously
20:45 – 21:45 Hrvoje Nikolić Quantum Theory of Measurement and Bohmian Mechanics
21:45 – 22:00 Refreshment Break
22:00 – 23:00 Dragan Poljak On Mathematical Models in some Multiphysics Phenomena
 Friday, 4 September 2020
19:23 – 19:45 Review and Introduction
19:45 – 20:45 Tim W. E. Maudlin The Centrality of Local Beables and the Pilot Wave Approach
20:45 – 21:45 Hrvoje Nikolić Quantum tricks: What does the microworld look like when we don’t observe it?
21:45 – 22:00 Refreshment Break
22:00 – 23:00 Franjo Sokolić Conceptual and educational problems of quantum physics
23:00 – 23:15 Closing Speech

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