PHYSICS AND PHILOSOPHY (P&P) 2022 , Locality and Non-locality in Physics
Split, September 1st -2nd 2022.
Held at the plateau outside the Faculty of Science
Co-chairs: Franjo Sokolić, Larisa Zoranić and Dragan Poljak
University of Split, Croatia
Scientific Advisory Committee:
- Ivica Aviani, University of Split, Croatia
- Neven Bilić, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia
- Hrvoje Nikolić, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia
Organizing Committee:
- Mate Jagnjić
- Matko Maleš
- Martina Požar

All lecturers will be lodged in the student home “Bruno Bušić”, located at the address Spinutska ul. 37, 21000, Split:
Call for Abstracts
Conference on Physics & Philosophy organized by the University of Split, (Faculty of Science with participation of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture) aims to establish and foster a dialogue between physics and philosophy, thus bridging the gap between physicists and engineering from one side and philosophers from the other side.
The scientific method was born in the beginning of 17th century with Galileo having abandoned the Aristotle theory of motion. It was Galileo who came up with the principle of the relativity of motion, and with the statement that only change in motion required force. At the same time a separation of science from philosophy began in the form of shift from consideration of nature of phenomenon (essence) to explanation of the behaviour of a phenomenon. Namely, Aristotelian-essentialist approach to the explanation of natural phenomena is replaced by the mathematical-predictive approach. Instead of question why scientists started to ask how.
Confronted with the serious challenges by the end of the 19th century, physics took at the beginning of the 20th century a new direction with the theory of relativity and particularly with quantum physics. This opened the new philosophical questions concerning the relationship of man with nature, mainly with the notion of reality. The principal question is: is it necessary to address the fundamental philosophical problems to overcome the difficulties that physics confronts.
One of the most illustrative examples is the EPR (Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen) paradox, which rises the question of quantum nonlocality. Although it is almost one century old (1935) it is still on the forefront of the conceptual challenges of physics. The remarkable contribution of J.S. Bell, trough the Bell’s inequalities, opened a new understanding of multiparticle quantum systems, the problem of identity, of quantum particles and their statistics. This is relevant also for reconsidering the existing interpretations of quantum mechanics.
Physics and philosophy should be considered as complimentary disciplines, definitely not the opponents. The goal of this meeting is to bridge the gap between physicists and philosophers, at least to a certain extent.
We cordially invite speakers to present their original contributions in the area of physics and philosophy. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Philosophy of space and time, arrow of time, time travel
- Cosmology
- Quantum Physics, EPR paradox, Schrodinger’s cat
- Special and general Relativity, symmetry
- String theory
- Principle of causality
- Classical physics
- Action principles, Noether’s theorem
- Philosophy of science
- Thermodynamics, statistical physics, entropy,
- Information Theory
- Multiphysics phenomena